Accurate Apparitions

     The predictions that once made Macbeth possess a false sense of confidence ultimately lead to his downfall.  Throughout the duration of Act V, each scene reveals additional details about how Shakespeare maneuvered around the seemingly impossible circumstances that the apparitions communicated to Macbeth.  The first apparition stated that Macbeth must beware of Macduff.  In the end, it was Macduff who killed this man who had plagued Scotland for so long.  The second apparition stated that Macbeth would not be harmed by any man who was born of woman.  In the end, Macduff was the one who harmed Macbeth, and he was born of a corpse not a woman as his mother died while giving birth.  The third apparition stated that Macbeth must not worry until Birnam wood came to Dunsinane hill.  In the end, the army led by Malcolm and Siward marched toward Macbeth's castle, located in Dunsinane, camouflaged by the branches of the trees in Birnam wood.  As each of these predictions came true, Act V of Macbeth became the act in which the tyrant died.


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