Malcolm's Extensive Test

     In order to determine if Macduff is being genuine in his requests for Malcolm to return to Scotland, Malcolm must secretly employ an extensive test.  In Act IV Scene III, Macduff has arrived in England in order to convince Malcolm to come back and help rid Scotland of Macbeth and the disease he brings.  Malcolm is suspicious as to whether it is a trap merely employed by Macbeth, though, so he sets forth on the test for Macduff.  Through telling Macduff of his endless lust and his black comparison to the snow white Macbeth, Malcolm is able to convince Macduff that he would be an atrocious king.  Once Macduff states that if what he has been told is true, he cannot take Malcolm back to Scotland, Malcolm recognizes that Macduff's true interest is the well being of Scotland and reveals the truth to Macduff.  Through this test, Malcolm is able to be confident in knowing that he, along with Siward and 10,000 troops, will make their journey to Scotland in order to assist, not be trapped and potentially killed.


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